Savita has always possessed a burning curiosity about the world, and her mission is to help women recognize the divine power within and to unleash it to live their best life.

As a trained Microbiologist and Botanist, Savita was always fascinated by the scientific world, and tried to make contributions through research and study. Her true passion, however, has always rested in comforting and helping others. Over the years, friends and family have turned to her when they needed a quiet, non-judgemental shoulder to lean on, support, and guidance, and would in turn send their friends. Not only did Savita’s voice resonate with others, but she found this work deeply rewarding, and chose to dedicate her life to pursuing it fully.

Influenced equally by the spirituality of her Indian roots, and her time in the United States, Savita’s expertise in coaching have developed through a deep study of Eastern and western philosophies, metaphysics, and religion. Savita draws on these combined experiences in her studies on the mind, body and soul connections.

Savita has helped numerous individuals in overcome obstacles in finding love, dealing with difficult relationships, and fulfilling their dreams, in order to help them live the lives they were meant to live.

Savita is a certified Master Empowerment Coach and has also been certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.